Whether it is the movement of stars and galaxies in the vastness of space, the beautiful scenery of trees, mountains, and rivers, the charming and melodious sound of birds, or the discipline in the life of different species of animals, every object of the universe is described by the present language. It has been said that its creator has made it in the best order and balance so that no flaw is visible anywhere in it, and this merciful Lord also said that does not disturb the balance. (Surah Rahman: 8) But what should we say to the lustful nature of human beings that, in order to make it possible to achieve new comforts, the arrangement of this beautiful and balanced planet has been disordered in such a way that numerous social, economic and environmental problems have arisen? But started to appear. Global warming is one of the most serious environmental problems. Global warming is the name of the continuous increase in the average temperature of the world, which is mainly due to the greenhouse effect, which is the process of preventing the heat of the sun by gases, without which the world would freeze at minus 18 degrees Celsius. There are clear possibilities. The problem is the ever-increasing impact caused by the massive emission of greenhouse gases through various human activities. A relatively minor cause of global warming is ozone depletion caused by these same greenhouse gases. The ozone layer is actually a protective cover that exists in the permanent layer of the atmosphere. The excessive cutting of trees is the main cause of the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
It is known that the root of the problem is the emission of greenhouse gases, which Amounts are generated by burning conventional fuels. Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, chlorofluorocarbons, methane, freons, halons, etc. are called greenhouse gases. Global warming is not just a name for warming the world, experts warn that its effects are so serious that a huge population of the world is at risk of extinction. Due to the melting of glaciers, the sea level has risen by several centimeters during the last century and is expected to rise by up to one meter by the end of this century. Natural disasters are increasing due to global warming. Storms and floods are frequent in different parts of the world. Not only this but due to the increase in global warming in the near future, some parts of the world will be affected by drought and some parts will become flood areas. Due to famine, conditions of hunger will occur and mass deaths will occur. Similarly, in areas with high rainfall, the lands will become marshy, with an abundance of insects, which will cause disease and death. Global warming is also causing enormous damage to the human economy. According to experts, several million people will have to migrate due to climate change and global warming by 2050, as sea level rise will submerge hundreds of islands and coastal areas. will
Global warming is very destructive not only for humans but also for another biodiversity because due to the increase in temperature, major changes are taking place in all the ecosystems and the organisms in this system have difficulties in finding food. are occurring As Muslims, we believe that the religion of Islam is the code of life that shows us the straight and true way of living from the womb to the grave. In the light of the facts presented above, it is clear that the real cause of this problem is the excessive emission of greenhouse gases. What is the reason for the emission of these greenhouse gases? And why is this happening because the stability of world economies is based on coal and oil? The desire to get more and more has made the human mindset so materialistic that it has forgotten the distinction between right and wrong and this selfish mindset has created dangerous monsters like climate change and global warming. Islam teaches us that the path of moderation is the path of prosperity. Islam calls for a middle path in all spheres of life.
Moderation and moderateness are the attributes of Islam that are visible in every matter and command, from which we can understand how responsible behavior and caution are necessary for the use of energy that can be exhausted. In the Holy Quran, which is a source of guidance for all human beings living in the world, the natural environment is a great gift from God and all these resources have been subjugated for us, we are free to use them and not to exploit them. It is rightly said in the Holy Quran, "Do not exceed the limit", which is a clear indication that we should establish a limit on the use of resources. The relevant saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) means that if the Day of Judgment comes and one of you has a plant in his hand and he can plant it, then he should plant it. This saying shows that trees What is the importance and how planting a tree can become a charity for humans. Islam teaches us the responsible use of resources, so it is in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) warned against wastage of water while performing ablution, which shows how carefully we should use resources.
We are accountable for our every action in the hereafter to this great being who has given us all these blessings. When this feeling arises in a person, he automatically becomes responsible. Al-Qasa Short Islamic teachings teach us that in order to control global warming, it is important to use resources responsibly, and carefully, and use alternative sources of depleting resources. Control all our economic activities, be it industries, agriculture, transportation, or mining, in such a way that greenhouse gases are emitted to a minimum, in other words, we need to slow down our growth rate. It is the welfare of all mankind.
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