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Weed damage to cotton

Cotton is the backbone of Pakistan's economy. The province of Punjab has special importance in this sense because about 80% of the total domestic production is produced in Punjab. In the province of Punjab, cotton is cultivated annually on an area of ​​about 40 lakh acres and the average yield is 22 maunds per acre. Weed damage is also an important factor among other factors causing a decline in cotton production. Timely prevention is very important. Weeds cause a great reduction in yield. Which not only share nutrients, water, air, and light with the crop but also become a shelter for harmful insects of the crop. Weeds cause a hindrance in carrying out agricultural activities and also cause the spread of the cotton rotting virus and milling. In addition, weeds also damage cotton plants by releasing chemicals from their roots. Among the weeds of cotton, it-sut, lumb, madhana grass, wild choli, lahli, Kalfa, tandla, Hazar Dani and deal, etc. are important. The attack of insects and viruses starts from the weeds on the edges of the fields, roads, and roads. The fields should be cleaned before sowing. Effective control of weeds in the cotton crops by weeding or by weeding. In Punjab province, most of the cotton is cultivated on tracks. In case of track cultivation, spray poisons immediately after sowing of cotton within 24 hours as advised by local staff of the Agriculture Department before weeding. This method is suitable only for cotton grown on tracks. Do not mix poisons into the soil. Mixing these poisons in the soil will adversely affect the growth. Cotton plants will die as soon as they grow. In the case of cotton cropping in rows with drills, it is very important to follow some guidelines for the application of pre-emergence herbicides. Before rowing, spray uniformly on the prepared land and do the rowing. When the rowed land is prepared, apply a "rambar" (sahaga or blade) and spray evenly and prepare the seedbed and sow. This is the best method and gives 100% results. See you but time is very short. A little carelessness can lead to a reduction in growth due to reduced weeding. In both cases of line planting with stakes or drills, poisons can be applied even after the crop and weeds are established. But this is a careful task. Do not spray poisons that are likely to damage the crop with a T-jet nozzle. In any case, the crop should not be poisoned. Application of herbicides after the emergence of weeds is more beneficial. If there is a chance of rain, spray poisons. Use clean water for spraying. Never use tap water. It is also very important to follow some miscellaneous instructions for using herbicides. Land preparation should be good. There should be no loose and previous crop residues. Spray by calibration of the spray machine for proper effectiveness of the poisons. In order to determine the correct amount of poison and water. No part of the field should be left unsprayed, nor should there be double spraying at any place. The speed of the sprayer remains the same. The pressure of the spray machine should be uniform during spraying. The nozzle of the sprayer should be in good condition. Spray in the morning or evening. After spraying, push the poison bottle into the ground. Do not spray in strong winds. Take precautions to avoid the effects of poison. Dosage should be determined according to label instructions and agronomist's advice. In addition to weed control, mulching also provides additional benefits such as field moisture retention and soil aeration. Goodies are easy and cost less. It is done after sowing and before the first watering. Dry tillage alone is sufficient, provided the weeds are destroyed. Keep the depth of dry tillage two to two and a half inches so that the sap is not wasted. That the soil should fall between the plants in the lines. Moreover, after the rains, the Gudi must be done. The Gudi should be done after every irrigation and rain. In addition, the Gudi should be done in the right manner so that it does not become loose.


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