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After East Pakistan, Balochistan is targeted by the enemy

 After East Pakistan, Balochistan is targeted by the enemy
When the Indian army announced the establishment of Bangladesh by occupying East Pakistan, then Indira Gandhi claimed in her address to the nation that "Today we have drowned the two-nation ideology of Pakistan in the Bay of Bengal." succeeded in the first stage of its heinous plan to break the country. After separating East Pakistan from us, Baluchistan is the target of the enemy. During his visit to Bangladesh in 2015, during his address to the Bangladeshi Parliament, he removed the confession that he had fought side by side with the Bengali libertarians in 1971. In fulfillment of the plot to divide Pakistan, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on August 15 In 2016, while giving a speech on the occasion of Indian Independence Day, he announced that he would die after freeing Pakistan's Baluchistan province from the clutches of Pakistan. He also reiterated that he would free Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gilgit, and Baltistan from Pakistani domination. The clear evidence of Indian intervention is the arrest of Indian spy Kulbhushan, whom himself confessed to terrorism in Balochistan. How are Baloch youths being provided with arms and money to incite rebellion against Pakistan? There is no doubt that India has been making things worse in Balochistan for a long time, while after the arrest of Kulbhushan Yadav, India has become aware of it. It has been lost. It is clear from the successive incidents of terrorism in Balochistan that external enemies, especially our arch-enemy India, have made Balochistan province the target of sabotage operations to divert the attention of the Pakistan Army from the Kashmir issue. Continuous attacks on security forces in the province are also a link in this sinister chain.

Balochistan is the largest province in terms of area, with a total area of ​​347,190 square meters. It is also an important province in terms of location, it is bordered by Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the north, the Arabian Sea in the south, Sindh and Punjab in the east, while Iran is included in the west. The 832 km area is adjacent to the border with Iran. However, geographically, the current Balochistan is one of the most sensitive regions in the world because it is close to Central Asia on the one hand, and the other hand, and the dream of accessing warm waters via the Arabian Sea, therefore, the American CIA, RAW, and Mossad. Under the joint plan, this region has been the target of the said anti-national agencies for a long time. In addition to providing heavy weapons and capital to the elements involved in subversive activities in the province, the organized network of the Indian intelligence agency "RAW" has also been training the separatist Baloch youth of Balochistan, which is a threat to the security of the country. In fact, the fire of secession in Balochistan has been lit for the last 74 years under regular planning.

Balochistan is the largest province in terms of area, with a total area of ​​347,190 square meters. It is also an important province in terms of location, it is bordered by Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the north, the Arabian Sea in the south, Sindh and Punjab in the east, while Iran is included in the west. The 832 km area is adjacent to the border with Iran. However, geographically, the current Balochistan is one of the most sensitive regions in the world because it is close to Central Asia on the one hand, and the other hand, and the dream of accessing warm waters via the Arabian Sea, therefore, the American CIA, RAW, and Mossad. Under the joint plan, this region has been the target of the said anti-national agencies for a long time. In addition to providing heavy weapons and capital to the elements involved in subversive activities in the province, the organized network of the Indian intelligence agency "RAW" has also been training the separatist Baloch youth of Balochistan, which is a threat to the security of the country. In fact, the fire of secession in Balochistan has been lit for the last 74 years under regular planning.It is a pity that not only outsiders but also our own people have a hand in keeping the spark of "Free Balochistan" burning. Distribution of poisonous literature based on anti-Pakistan propaganda in Europe, America, rallies, demonstrations organized by the Free Balochistan Movement, and distribution of placards and posters on which slogans were written against Pakistani atrocities on Balochistan and the so-called Pakistan-China Economic Corridor. Bharat inaugurated the "Free Balochistan" office in New Delhi on 23 June 2018. A function was held to inaugurate the office, which was attended by around 50 Indians. The Indian intelligence agency RAW conducts seminars and invites foreign journalists and diplomats to spread propaganda against Pakistan. The inauguration of the office took place after former BJP MLA Mr. Vijay Jolly met with a delegation of the "Free Balochistan Movement" (FBN) in London. 3 channels operating under "RA" in India. 24 hours are busy doing anti-Balochistan propaganda. A nefarious plan was made to bring a resolution in favor of independent Balochistan to the Security Council of India and UNO. Besides, countless Baloch self-styled activists are eager to do dirty work for India's notorious spy agency 'RAW.' As of February 17, 2012, US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher presented a resolution in the US House of Representatives demanding Pakistan recognize the Baloch's right to self-determination. The motion was jointly moved by House Representatives Louie Gohmert and Steve King. Although such resolutions may not be of any importance, they bring disrepute to Pakistan and its institutions. This great game of American planners has been going on for a long time in Balochistan province. Maps of the world were published, showing all of Pakistan's fragmented, and Balochistan provinces merged with Iran's Sistan, Balochistan region to form a Greater Balochistan. There is no doubt that Pakistan's army and agencies have thwarted the nefarious intentions of Pakistan's enemies with the support of the people of Balochistan.

It is not difficult to guess that the Baloch separatists have the blessing of the US, prominently the Baloch Liberation Movement (BLF) was founded by Juma Khan Marri in 1964 in Damascus. The Balochistan Liberation Army (also Baloch Liberation Army or Balochistan Liberation Army) (BLA) is a separatist organization. The Baloch Liberation Army's name first surfaced in the summer of 2000, when the organization claimed credit for a series of bomb attacks on markets and railway lines. The BLA claimed responsibility for the systematic ethnic genocide of Punjabis, Pashtuns, and Sindhis in Balochistan, as well as blowing up gas pipelines. According to a local newspaper survey, the majority of Baloch people do not support independence from Pakistan. Only 37 percent of Baloch were in favor of independence. Support for independence among Balochistan's Pashtun population was less than 12 percent. However, a majority (67 percent) of Balochistan's population favored greater provincial autonomy. The majority of Baloch also does not support separatist groups. Along with India and Israel, the United States is also having a lot of problems with this strategic change in the region, and in this regard, the external elements that are working to weaken the local administration in Balochistan include Mossad and Rai as well as the American CIA. But Wardha Blackwater Army is also active which eventually the unwise policy of the thoughtless rulers made it a major force of sabotage in the province. With the help of the CIA, the Blackwater Army promoted sectarian terrorism in Iraq. Thus, thousands of Blackwater officials were issued visas by the government of that time without any investigation, a great example of which was Raymond Davis, who was found on the streets of Lahore and was targeted by ordinary citizens. Bane - Since they have plenty of dollars, they have played a major role in fueling terrorism through local recruits by setting up local sub-contract agencies. Undoubtedly, the acts of sabotage in Balochistan have become possible due to the encouragement of external elements and the supply of modern weapons. In this regard, the thing worth considering is why Balochistan Liberation Army has an office in Jerusalem. Similarly, what is the Baloch separatist leadership doing together with the Indian and Israeli lobby in North America? Since the administrative affairs in Balochistan have been in the hands of the chiefs instead of the Baloch people, the Baloch people in Balochistan have not been able to get the share in development that they deserved. Due to this, the administrative affairs of Balochistan have been deteriorating more and more often - the fact is that in the name of democracy, Baloch Sardars have been ruling in Balochistan and the funds of various ministries have been in the hands of private individuals instead of being used for the people. It is very sad that especially in Balochistan, government funds for public welfare are exposed to corruption. If public funds and funds were spent on the people, it would not only speed up the development of Balochistan, but it would also be the source of the enemy. The role of the Pakistan Army in ending terrorism and restoring peace in Balochistan is commendable. At this time, the FC and the Pakistan Army are working for the welfare and development of the people of Balochistan. The youths are performing their duties with great zeal and at the same time, they are fighting against internal and external enemies.


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