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Create your own world

Even God does not change the state of a nation that does not think of changing its own state. Our national poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal has taught us to live with honor, humility, and self-righteousness and our leader should not stand before others. He has been trained not to bow down. If you make this lesson a lesson for your life, then you will lose your life to these worldly gods. If you live in your own world, you are alive. In the power struggle between Muslim League-N and its allies and Tehreek-e-Insaaf. Everything is at stake. Such a war for gaining power, the end of which is not according to the will of both parties, then this war will continue in one form or another. No matter how many problems the country and the people are facing. Due to this tussle, the country and the people are suffering more problems because it is not the people's war of power. Somewhere in this war of power, there is the danger of losing the government or the intense desire to get it again. And on the other hand, there is the utmost struggle to cling to power. In this war of elephants, people are getting angry. Both sides are busy throwing accusations at each other and no one is ready to admit their mistake. However, these are the people who have brought the country to this point. They defend their governments, their parties, and their leaders in such a way. It is as if they are innocent angels free of wrongdoing and throw mud at opponents as if they are no less than Satan. In these statements, so much excess, lying, slander, and vulgar language are used that a gentleman should put his hands on his ears. Especially in the last few years, such an elite force of spokespersons has emerged in our political culture that even the elderly prostitute of Bazar-e-Hassan would be ashamed to hear their statements. How will they face their children and elders when they go? After all, one should hate to hate. We have also seen politicians like Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, Qazi Hussain Ahmad, Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani, Pir Pagoda, and Hanif Ramey whose statements seemed to be like a literary masterpiece. They understood. The language of his writing and speech was like picking a string of pearls without words. He was also a resident of the same country. They also did politics here. Where have our political and social values ​​gone? Where has the decency and decency gone? Where has the sanctity of the word go? Is it only the acquisition of power that is politics? Where has the pain of the people gone? Where has the spirit of service gone? What kind of political storm has flown in which all the honor, decency, decency, and elegance have been lost. My poem is:

Let it be like this, all customs and ways have flown away

That girl is the face of hatred, friends

Will we bequeath this culture, this style of politics, and this language to future generations? Important national issues including the country's economic collapse, poverty, scarcity of electricity, gas, and clean water are not discussed. If they are mentioned anywhere, it is to blame each other. No party is ready to accept the responsibility for this disaster and heal it, but they are blaming others for putting all the debris. It will also be the turn to give, improve the country's economy and evaluate its performance. But O Basa Arzoo that is dusted. All speeches and statements are based on opposition to opposition. We don't mind that either. The objection is that the condition of the country is changing day by day. Our school is traveling from country to country. The funeral of national honor is being carried out. Institutions are collapsing. There is no justice in the country. The properties and assets of overseas Pakistanis are seized by ill-intentioned people who have no one to redeem them. Paying attention to the country's economy, rupee depreciation, health, education problems, and lack of electricity, these problems should be addressed together. Instead of solving it, political parties are engaged in usurping power. These people are hungry for power. They have no interest in the country. The majority of business, money, properties and family are outside the country. Whenever the doors of power close on him, Sri Lankans will run out of the country like the President.

The way politicians spend crores of rupees on rallies and processions is like rubbing salt on the wounds of the people. Because there is no one to pick up garbage from the cities. In many cities including Karachi, rainwater is standing knee-deep. Karachi, which was considered one of the best cities in the world in the seventies and eighties, is now ranked 134 out of 140 cities around the world. Cities like Kabul, Syria, and Tripoli, which are affected by civil war, are in a worse condition than this. What is the worse performance of any government? Karachi and Sindh have been ruled by one party for fourteen years. They are dreaming of winning elections from the whole country and making Bilawal the Prime Minister even after bringing Sindh and Karachi to the brink of destruction. If politics continues like this, it is not fair that our forgetful people will make Bilawal the Prime Minister. After all, we made Zardari the president. Those who brought the country to this state and played with the lives of the people are still trying to make the people tremble. If anyone has doubts, go to meetings and rallies and see. People don't seem to have any problem. The only purpose of their lives is to raise slogans in meetings, take out rallies and bring these corrupt leaders to the halls of power and stand outside and blow their horns. I have never seen such people who, instead of taking their rights, seem to be dancing and singing in front of those who usurped their rights, even if their children are starving at home. Our national poet has taught us to live with dignity, modesty, and self-righteousness, and our leader has taught us not to bow down to others. If we learn this lesson, then we should learn from these worldly gods. It will be missed. If you are alive, you are born in your world.


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