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My Waseb has sunk

Readers! Terrible "desolate" and agonizing "sanats" occur not only in forests, cemeteries, or deserts but also within the "state". Waking up, people get worried when they see it. The flood rails of the River Kohi, which originates from the foothills of Mount Sulaiman, caused destruction from Rojhan to Dera Ismail Khan. Thousands of villages were submerged, many houses were destroyed, and millions of Acres of standing crops were destroyed. People's food items, year-round savings, coverings, accumulated goods, goods, and possessions were all exposed to the flood rails. It happened. A few hours ago, where a family had a tall canopy that had been decorated with years of hard work, a few hours later there was nothing but water and mud. Former Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar, who belongs to the backward Union Council of Mount Sulaiman. He was nominated by Imran Khan because he belongs to a backward area and the problems of poor people They also know closely that they did not come to their constituencies submerged in floods and did not provide any assistance to the flood victims of their area. He could run the election campaign of PML-N Sardar Abdul Qadir Khan Khosa in the PP 288 constituency. Now many settlements of the same constituency were wiped out by the flood water of Rudkohi, but he could not come to the victims to assess the situation and help them. MNA Zartaj Gul was given victory by the people of this place against the Sardars, apart from reaching out to the flood victims and helping them, he along with his colleagues stood at Dera Ghazi Khan Karma Chowk after Parvaiz Elahi became the Chief Minister of Punjab. The party was celebrating. 60% of the constituency of Sardar Mohsin Khan Laghari, who was the Minister of Irrigation in the Tehreek-e-Insaf government for three years after becoming an MPA from PP-293 of Jampur, has been completely destroyed by the water of the river. Yes, they are returning the pleasures of power by sitting in Lahore. Of course, the poor people of Saraiki and Seeb are being slapped on the face by these contemporary politicians. A sad picture circulating on social media touched my heart. When the elites of Lahore and Islamabad stood outside the Supreme Court and vyed for the throne of Punjab There was a five-year-old innocent child from the Siraiki Waseb area who was trying unsuccessfully to save his life by fighting the flood waves with his little hands and feet. Finally, that child was swept away by the rapid waves of water and died forever. He fell asleep, but the rulers of the time sitting in the houses of Lahore and Islamabad could not open their eyes, nor could the media of Pakistan open their eyes. While the destruction of millions of people in Dera Ghazi Khan, Rajanpur, Tunsa Sharif, Rojhan, Jampur, Dajal, Lindi Saidan, Prajaja Jamal Khan, and Choti Zeerin is probably not a problem for the media.

NDMA's Karta Dharta political representatives, local tamandua, local administration and provincial and federal government, and administrative bodies operating boats in two feet of water every year, the activities of so-called organizations are limited to mere verbal collection of expenses. Deputy Commissioner Rajan According to Pur, 75 villages were submerged due to river flooding. More than 250,000 areas were affected by flood water. Crops on 30,000 hectares were exposed to flood water. More than 20,000 people were affected by the flood. The stormy flood of 2,000 destroyed Saraiki Wasib in this way, but today, despite the passage of twelve years, the ruler of Pakistan collects the water coming from the streams of Mount Sulaiman. No one can build a dam where the rainwater of the river can be collected and this water can be used when needed. What can be more indifferent than that? Recently, former Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar from Dera Ghazi Khan. Between Dera Ismail Khan, Pul Qambar, Chowkiwala, and Basti Ahmadani, at a distance of 25 kilometers from the mountains of Mount Sulaiman, the Soda Dam, which was constructed at a cost of ten billion, broke. It should be clear that the said dam was constructed recently I was supposed to collect the water of the rivers flowing on the rainy days in this area, on the one hand, it was to be used as per the need, and on the other hand, it was to be protected from the destruction caused by the water of the river, but now it has broken. The resulting severe flood caused havoc in the area. Several villages including the Indus Highway were inundated by the rushing water, crushing stones and making gravel and gypsum plants severely affected. The relay from the dam covered a distance of 25 kilometers quickly and destroyed the population, roads, and crops on the way. The dam failure should be investigated as it was filled with water beyond its capacity and then the drainage was delayed. A technical report on construction, design, and capacity is essential so that there is full awareness of the failure of such a dam, the first of its kind in the region, and that legal action can be taken without discrimination against those responsible. I overfilled the water and then the drainage was delayed. A technical report on construction, design, and capacity is very important so that there is full awareness of the destruction of such a dam, the first of its kind in the region, and without discrimination against those responsible. Legal action can be taken. The government should build a dam in the mountain ranges of Dera Ghazi Khan and Rajanpur where the river water is collected and used and the river water which becomes a flood situation and damages the crops covering millions of acres. This damage can be avoided These representatives should demand from the provincial and federal government to compensate for the loss of the people by sending the floor relief teams there and arranging water rations for them. Their electricity bills, agricultural loans, and debts should be waived off. Their houses should be constructed and they should be given financial assistance. 


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