Types of a research article Also, the articles published by the journals fall under the following categories ie original research articles, review articles

Objectives of the Islamic economic system

The economy is also a part of the code of life that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has given through the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The economic system of the religion of Islam is different from other systems in the world, such as communalism, exploitation, and capitalism, and has one of its own. It has a separate status. It has some rules and regulations and some objectives, in which the worldly welfare of humanity is also kept in view of the success of the hereafter. These objectives are summarized below:

The first goal is that the state should be able to provide the people with the right to pay, that every member of the nation should have the opportunity to earn a living through halal means of employment, and that every individual should be free to earn a living according to his abilities and resources. But it should be restricted only so that it does not hinder the welfare and earnings of others. Every person should be allowed and facilitated to travel for employment and trade.

Allah Almighty says Translation: So spread out in the earth and seek the bounty of Allah, i.e. sustenance.

It is in Hadith Sharif: Translation: Ask for the world according to your ability, because what a man was created for, he will surely get it. Bukhari and Muslim.

Among the objectives of the Islamic economic system is to establish "economic justice and equality" in society so that all people get equal opportunities for employment. There should be no class prejudices in society but there should be an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and harmony. Wealth should not remain in the hands of a few but every individual should have the right to develop according to his abilities and hard work.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Translation: A person should not buy the pledge of another brother, that is, if two Muslim persons have made a deal between themselves, then a third person should not spoil their deal by bidding more, just for his own benefit. To harm others for the sake of it. It also solves selfishness.

Today, trade or business is generally considered a worldly task, and religion is limited to only a few rituals religion and the world are considered separate, while Allah has clarified the objectives of the economy and given it the status of worship. There are examples of the Prophets (peace be upon them) who did not consider anyone's job as a disgrace, like Hazrat Shoaib (peace be upon him), and also did trade and business like the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

The disbelievers had a lot of objection to it, as is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an: Translation: And they said, "Well, what kind of messenger is this, he also eats food and also goes to the markets." (Surah al-Furqan 25:7) Then the Lord of the worlds answered it himself:

Translation: We did not send messengers before you, but they also used to eat and move around in commercial centers! During the days of Hajj, which is a spiritual journey, trade was also allowed during it. Hawa: Translation: There is no sin on you if you (during Hajj) seek the favor of your Lord through trade. ( Al-Baqarah 2:198).

An important goal in the economic system of Islam is to "allow the individual to own personal property". The purpose of Islam is that every individual should be able to enjoy the fruits of his hard work and to create a property through lawful means of employment. Islam is against such a system in which a person is deprived of his right to property and his resources are collectively owned or in the possession of the state, as is practiced in some countries of the world, although this is also a system of oppression.

Among the objectives of the economic system of Islam is to establish a system of justice, truth, promise, and honesty in the country.

Allah says Translation: And say: I believe in every book that Allah has sent down, and I have been commanded to do justice between you (Surah Shura': 15). For those who deduct, when they take from people, they take the full measure, and when they measure or weigh them, they give less.

At this time in the world, there is a struggle between the employer and the worker, the rich and the poor, if the Islamic economic system is prevalent, this struggle would not have arisen. It is also a means of elevating the ranks, as the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: A true and trustworthy merchant will be with the Prophets and Martyrs in the Hereafter. Success and prosperity in the hereafter are also in view, therefore halal sources of income are forbidden and illegitimate means such as fraud, bribery, gambling, monopoly, hoarding, etc. are declared forbidden. done

It was said: Translation: O you who believe, fear Allah and give up the remaining interest if you are believers, if you do not, then listen to the declaration of war by Allah and His Messenger, and if you repent, your original property. You have the right, do not oppress and do not be oppressed, and if the (debtor) is in need, give him respite until his generous hand, and giving charity is better if you know. (Al-Baqarah, 278, 280. ) Interest has been abolished in a developed country like Japan, so it can be abolished in our country as well.

In the Islamic economic system, as the welfare of all mankind is concerned, Salah-e-Rahmi was also kept so that relatives should be kept in view of inheritance, and Zakat Usher, Kharaj, Jizya, Sadaqah, and Waqf system was also established so that the nobles And the poor and needy sections of the society should also have the right to the wealth of the chief, no person should sleep hungry, as Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Umar bin Khattab used to say that even a kid of a goat died of hunger on the bank of the river, then on the Day of Judgment, Umar replied. Due to this concern, instead of sleeping at night, they used to patrol to know the condition of the people and carried bags of food items on their backs. It is necessary to provide clothes, and housing, which is the responsibility of the state because it has all the sources of income in the form of treasury and it is the duty of the state to issue the public welfare system. Happy people are happy. All of the states are made. The existence of nations depends on a strong economy, so the solution to economic problems lies in the "Islamic system of the economy". Struggle for the sake of this system is mandatory for every conscious Muslim! According to Iqbal

This divine wisdom, this divine knowledge

Nothing cures the pain of the harem

This meditation, this meditation, this server

If not the guardians of Tri Khudi, then nothing

Khurd also said, What is the point of God?

If the heart and eyes are not Muslim, then there is nothing!


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