Types of a research article Also, the articles published by the journals fall under the following categories ie original research articles, review articles

Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for hair extensions

 Here are some suggestions on how to look

 or get an appointment for hair extensions

No matter how hard parents try to raise their children, even the slightest mistake, shortcoming, or defect of the child raises questions about the training of the parents and especially the desire of every parent to make their son a good person for the future. However, boys often become stubborn, arrogant, and rebellious but we tell you how you can help your sons to be good people for the future with a few small things. Man learns more quickly from the environment than from what is said orally, and the environment in which he finds himself becomes richer. The training of children is also something like what you will tell them. The more you show them, the faster they will learn.

1. Work together: In our society, it is often considered a disability for men to do household chores, and sons are not taught to do household chores at all - but if you want to make your child a responsible person for the future, take him home. Encourage me to do my own thing. Try to make the mother and father work together and never make the children realize that this is not the job of the mother or the father as it will create gender discrimination in the mind of the child which can affect his whole life. Drink water yourself and pick up pots and do such small things from the sons and never discriminate between daughter and son but teach both together so that the sons do not consider themselves separate.

2. Misunderstanding: Most parents instill in their children from an early age that boys are not weak, do not cry, and are not emotional. These little things of yours often affect the lives of your sons so much that they have the misconception that they are superior to girls in terms of gender and hide instead of expressing their feelings and emotions. - This affects their psyche and throughout life, they keep on declining but do not express it. If you teach them how to express their feelings, they will never hide their feelings but will be able to express their feelings.

3. Respect for others: Parents are often stingy in raising their children with respect for others and this mistake affects the children a lot. If you teach your children to respect others without distinction, they will always treat others with respect, not only at home but also in the family or elsewhere, so that viewers will always appreciate your training - but if your Respect will be limited to the home, then your son will not respect others outside and remember, it will be disrespectful to you.

4. Reprimand for Mistakes: The Aggressive Behavior of a Child in Childhood is often overlooked by parents who say it is a boy, boys are like that but parents forget that small childhood shortcomings can lead to serious consequences. If your child is aggressive, reprimand them because if you ignore the aggression, it can turn into violence in the future, which can make the child's life even more unhappy. They are not reprimanded in childhood, they become self-centered even when they grow up, and beating their wives also has the effect of childhood training.

5. Likes and Dislikes: Training children have also shown that parents often like to impose their will, but if you do, change your habits immediately and take care of your children's likes and dislikes. This will give them freedom of decision-making and expression, otherwise, your child will always be unstable and will not have the power to make decisions.

6. Friendly attitude: Parents often avoid talking in front of their children, which makes a map in your sons' minds about the distance between husband and wife and they also have a restrained attitude towards their wives in the future. Try to be friendly in front of the children so that they do not have any negative effects on their raw minds because if your relationship is pleasant and friendly then your child's mind will also become a beautiful outline for the partner that your child will have in the future. Be a good husband and your daughter-in-law will always be grateful to you.


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