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Linguistic division!

 Linguistic division!

Divisiveness is not only limited to religion, but its poison is also spreading in linguistics, those who believe that the Lord Almighty is the Creator and the One and Only and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are the most affected by it, while in this regard, the Prophet They have also forgotten the saying of the Holy Prophet that an Arab is a non-Arab and a non-Arab has no merit over an Arab except piety. Instead of following this noble decree, the Muslims of the present century are promoting love and brotherhood among themselves. Instead, they are increasing hatred and this hatred is also causing increasing life-threatening tragedies, but despite this, Muslims are not taking the name of understanding. If we talk about the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, here everyone Before 1956, on linguistic grounds, Bengali politicians obstructed the constitution of 1956, which was already delayed due to many other reasons, and refused to recognize Urdu as a common national language, even though Urdu was spoken in all parts of the country, including Bengal. It was understood in the provinces, but the Bengali language was not spoken or understood anywhere except in Bengal Therefore, there was no language more suitable than Urdu for the national language, but the Bengali politicians did not recognize Urdu alone as the national language due to provincial bias, so Bengali had to be given the status of the national language along with Urdu. Despite this, provincialism did not come out of their hearts and they kept making new demands for their province, gradually their demands increased and one day these demands led to the division of Pakistan. Even our politicians did not learn their lesson and continued to fuel provincialism in other provinces of the country. Sometimes slogans of Sindhu Desh were raised, sometimes slogans of greater Balochistan were raised, sometimes Pakhtunistan was raised and sometimes chaos was spread in the name of the migrant nation. Provincialism has done a lot of harm to the country, from which the Aghyars have been trying hard to take advantage, but the nation is still not ready to understand and instead of learning from the past, it seems to be divided into Urdu, Punjabi, Saraiki, Balochi, and Pakhtuns. And no one is ready to tolerate each other and now it has come to the point that linguistic differences are being fueled on the basis of personal fights. In a nearby hotel, a dispute arose between the hotel owners, employees, and customers over the payment of the bill, which resulted in a firing. belonged to rural Sindh while the hotel owner and employees were Pakhtuns. The relatives of the deceased youth started a protest by placing the dead body on the highway and local politicians supported them, so an attempt was made to turn the personal fight into a linguistic riot. It is surprising that the police were at the hotel during the fight. was present but at that time no attempt was made to dispose of the matter and the local people protested there and gave the Pakhtuns an indication to close the hotel and evict them from there. And every person with intelligence and consciousness in the country is forced to think that why the residents of a free and independent state felt the need to adopt such behavior, while on the other hand, no one can deny this fact. It cannot be said that Pakistan is a country for all of us and there is no leadership and rule on the basis of the nationality of any individual and no crowd can stop anyone from doing business anywhere in the country. If it is not closed in front, it can lead to the destruction of both the country and the nation. The lava of linguistic politics has been brewing in the educational institutions of Sindh for a long time and in such a situation only one spark can engulf the entire Chaman, however, the need for this is that both the federal and provincial governments should work together to resolve personal conflicts in a linguistic way. Give severe punishment to those who indulge in divisiveness so that this poison ends here instead of spreading to the whole society. Before this happens, the two governments, which are already engaged in fulfilling each other's interests, have to move forward unitedly on one platform to solve this important problem facing the country and the nation, so that the linguistic divide can be resolved. The elimination of dispersion may be possible.

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