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When will women get protection?

When will women get protection?

 One morning, while drinking tea, I picked up the newspaper and the news caught my attention. The news was that a beast had once again raped a woman. I was disgusted and I started thinking that I didn't know in which direction our society is going, where not only women but even innocent girls are not safe. If someone harasses a woman, instead of providing protection to that woman, her role in society is destroyed and when nothing is found, her dress is criticized. She is accused of going out of the house dressed in indecent clothes and attracting the attention of men. Finally, there is someone who can answer what was the fault of these innocent girls who were killed and thrown in the garbage by beastly humans after being the object of their lust. Have you ever wondered what would happen to the parents of these innocent children when they found their children in this condition? This society cannot even blame an innocent girl for going out wearing vulgar clothes. In fact, the real fault lies in the eyes of the beholder, whether he looks with respect or disdain. If the look and intention are dirty, then whether it is a girl or a woman, she becomes the target of oppression.

Existence is from the image of color in the universe

This is the source of life

From the era of Jahiliyya to the modern era, the incidents of harassment of women have been increasing. What is the reason for this? Have we become insensitive or now our society started to produce animals instead of humans? In our society, it is assumed that a woman can be easily trampled. If we look back at the pages of history, it is clear as day that the first religion of Islam bestowed a high honor and status on women. This is a country whose foundation is the word of truth, the purpose of which was to establish the Islamic system, but in which direction is this society moving today? Where the dignity of a woman is violated day by day, where a woman is not safe even in her own home. Nowadays, a woman has the right to live, but not to live her life according to her own will. We have moved far away from the teachings of our religion. Our religion and our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have given a high and honorable position to women, but today's society is running completely opposite to this. In our society, there has been a monopoly of men, therefore, to suppress women, religion is also diverted to their own account, due to which the personality of women is being hurt. O people, have you forgotten what level Islam had given to Bint Hawa, the honor of women is such that when Hazrat Bibi Fatima used to visit, the Beloved of Allah would also stand up to welcome her. Forgetting all these things, now this society has reached an unknown level. According to Ahmed Salim Rafi:

Let the world see the condition of our daughters

We ask him in prayer for a son

If a woman is seen in the form of a mother, heaven is under her feet, in the form of a wife, she is described as the better half, and in the form of a daughter, the mercy of God. But here it arises that if religion gives status in such a respectful way, why is the woman still not safe? Why is a woman harassed? Why is it harassed in a busy market, in a moving bus, a maid working at home, a woman in Dalaman, a woman riding a rickshaw, a woman leaving home for work? What is left behind when the spiritual father who holds the rank of a teacher in educational institutions does not miss the opportunity to harass? When it is known that hands will not be cut off for stealing, harassment will not be made a sign in the intersection in front of the people, when it is known that even if you are caught, you will get protection for a few bucks, then it is obvious like this. You will see an increase in the incidents day by day and society will also start to crumble along with the deterioration of the society.
Today, the way women are being sexually harassed is spreading fear in the country. Any girl thinks a hundred times while leaving home alone. Such incidents are not decreasing. That's why the Punjab government has taken a very good decision for women, keeping these circumstances and events in mind. This will protect women. The Government of Punjab has announced the restoration of Anti-Women Harassment Centers. The Punjab government has issued an order to restore these centers in other cities including Multan. Apart from this, the government has directed the district administration to take strict action against the accused if any such incident takes place. The district administration has been active in the restoration of anti-women harassment centers. This decision of the Punjab government is commendable for the protection of women. This will bring independence to women and no girl will be afraid to step out of the house thinking that some priest of lust is lying in wait for her outside. With this announcement of the government, many such people can be brought under the law who try to harass any girl by blocking her way in the middle of the road. Being a woman, I can understand the pain of women who are sexually or mentally harassed and have no way out. This step taken by the government will give courage to many women who have been raped and harassed to file complaints against the accused in these centers. When strict action is taken against an accused person, others who have such intentions will learn from it. This decision of the government is very welcome for these oppressed women and looking at it, it is hoped that the government will continue to take admirable steps for women's rights and their protection as far as possible.


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