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Inflation kills Pakistani people

Inflation kills Pakistani people

Many years later I got a call from my friend Mian Ji. I was a classmate in high school. I failed in the frog. I dropped out of school. I got lost in the mire of Did I also express my desire that we want to meet Professor Sahib? This poor man grew up that I am a classmate. He no longer had contact with me. He took my number from people and called me many years later. I had a hard time recognizing him but after a short conversation I recognized him and he was very happy and said man you have become a big man I am a laborer but if you help me I will be very kind I said happily Please tell, what's the story of them big puppy ........... I have made it known to them that you are my classmate and friend, when in fact we have not met for many years. Now I will come to see you one day. It will be my honor to listen to the whole thing. I will do it again. Then on the appointed day, Mian came to my house with the family. I received good service from Ao Bhagat. They went back happily. It was my contact with Mianji again years later. Now Mianji would call me from time to time. My husband was very kind to me. I also liked him as a friend of my youth. Now our relationship has been restored. He started asking for tricks. He started talking about school here and there. Our conversation went on for a long time. When he lengthened the conversation two or three times during the conversation, I realized that there was something in Mian's heart that he wanted to do but could not do because of the white cover. Mian was asking me for some help but his selfishness was stopping him so now I took the initiative and said Mian Yar how are the conditions today the price is very high the sacrificial animals are very expensive you took the sacrificial animal it was Mian's painful vein burst So you have taken your life. Promising to the children all year that this time we will sacrifice ourselves. It is also a matter of honor in front of the daughter's father-in-law whether we sacrificed or not. What is the call? Dude, you have a lot of friends and disciples. Someone has a cheap animal, so take me a sacrificial animal. I understand the whole situation. Why is poor Mian talking to me for so long? I encouraged Mian. Dude, don't worry, my friend has a sacrificial animal. He raises and sells it every year for good. I will ask him for an animal. He took the sacrificial animal and handed it to him. The poor man was very happy and went back with a grateful look on his face. But I was very upset. Dare to buy animals. Due to incompetent policies and the looting of previous governments, the children of the country are in debt. The falling position of the dollar, the high flight of inflation, the dragon of inflation is opening its mouth, the poor are being crushed, and the poor poor people are being crushed day and night in the mill of oppression, and poverty. The animals whose prices are skyrocketing are the white-clad class who have to sacrifice to live with dignity in society. How do they survive in this storm of inflation? Inflation has been so high that beyond the purchasing power of the people, the poor people are running barefoot under the open sky like a herd of helpless animals. No one is asking. Every political party and every leader is dreaming of these poor people. But after a few months, the poor people find out that this party and its leader are the same as the old ones. They also disguised themselves as fools in a new way. No political party has any pity for these oppressed people. Come see the courtiers of these leaders, the courtiers, the courtiers, how they break the record of praise day and night. With the magic of words, Gree and Sahane run a series of dreams. They call their leaders the successors of the Quaid-e-Azam and the Messiah-e-Azam. Strengthen your material empire Bless your friends and relatives These are political leaders who have been sucking the blood of poor people for decades. Due to poverty, these poor people are poor. It seems that no one takes pity on these helpless and helpless human beings. Two days ago, an old poor bearded man, fed up with poverty, committed suicide by falling under a train on the railway line. The white-bearded face of that poor man. I was mourning on the ground apart from my body. The rest of the body is on the railway line. The poor people of Pakistan are losing their lives in the storm of inflation. I don't know when God will have mercy on these oppressed people. Will get the victims out of the swamp of poverty.


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