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FATF: Return from Gray List to White List

 FATF: Return from Gray List to White List 

It was the evening of June 17, and the eyes of the whole nation were fixed on the FATF meeting in Berlin, the capital of Germany. Everyone in the newsroom of news channels and newspapers was on alert, eager to hear big and good news from Berlin. International news agencies were giving live feeds. FATF (Fift) President Dr. Marks said in the news briefing that Pakistan has fulfilled all the conditions. "In the last two years, we have reviewed counter-terrorism measures five times. Pakistan has implemented both action plans ahead of time," he said. There is no need to do anything more. Considering the situation of the FATF delegation, he will visit Pakistan in October this year and present his final report. After this report, Pakistan will be removed from the gray list. The action was taken during the meeting and the meetings made it clear that the Financial Action Task Force would announce the good news of removing Pakistan from the gray list. There was also a contest for claims, comments, and credit on social media and electronic media. The facts are all known. Like other countries in the world, Pakistan is also suffering from economic pressures at the moment. For us, this news is a breath of fresh air. It was such great news that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif telephoned Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and congratulated him on announcing the completion of the conditions related to the FATF gray list. He appreciated the decision of the Commander-in-Chief. The Prime Minister also telephoned all the concerned officials and congratulated them on this important achievement. The FATF meeting was attended by 206 members and delegates representing observers. Observers included the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the United Nations, the World Bank, and the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units. Unfortunately, our neighbor India also used this global forum for propaganda against Pakistan. Attempts were made to put Pakistan from the gray list to the black list. At that time, Pakistan's friendly countries China, Turkey, and Malaysia fully supported Pakistan. Due to the successful foreign policy, the support of ten more countries was also obtained. The anti-Pakistan Indian media was busy day and night in propaganda against Pakistan. In the hostility towards Pakistan, the Indian news channels violated all the principles and ethics of journalism. Some fanatical Indian anchors had blacklisted Pakistan in their comments. But when the good news started coming from Berlin and the FATF joint statement gave the green signal to remove Pakistan from the gray list, there was a line of mourning in India. All Indian diplomatic efforts and conspiracies have failed. Let me tell you that on July 18, 2021, Indian Foreign Minister SJ Shankar claimed at a meeting of the Bharatiya Janata Party that Pakistan was behind the gray list. According to him, Indian Prime Minister Modi has ensured that Pakistan remains on the gray list. Some other Indian leaders have made similar claims.Being on the gray list, Pakistan is facing difficulties and dangers, certainly, Pakistan will soon come out of them all. It will also benefit Pakistan economically. It was difficult to get from the gray list to the white list but the Pakistani nation has successfully crossed this stage. This victory of Pakistan is the result of day and night efforts like a team of all institutions and individuals. The gray list includes 23 countries, including our friendly countries, the United Arab Emirates, and Turkey. The countries on the gray list are closely monitored, and the difficulties are compounded by the fact that many sanctions are imposed on the gray list. The FATF does not impose direct sanctions, but its member countries do. There are many benefits to getting out of the gray list. One of the major benefits of this is that Pakistan's reputation will be improved, the banking and financial system will be strengthened, confidence in the world will increase, and Pakistan will also get rid of allegations of money laundering. Need There is a good chance that foreign investment will come to Pakistan and the confidence of foreign companies will increase. Being on the gray list, Pakistan's problems were constantly increasing. It has become difficult for investors to open LCs, which has also hampered exports. After being included in the white list, Pakistan and Kashmir will be in a responsible state like developed countries where there is no scope for money laundering. Pakistan has proved to be a responsible state. The Pakistan Army played a key role in this, the government and the national institutions together ensured the implementation of all the points, India tried to blacklist Pakistan at all costs but the Pakistan Army also foiled this conspiracy. The GHQ-based cell worked day and night to develop an effective strategy for money laundering and terror financing, which led to the success of the FATF. Pakistan ensured the implementation of 27 out of 27 points of terror financing and 7 out of 7 points of money laundering under FATF.


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