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The Great Sunnah Sacrifice of Syedna Ibrahim (as)

 The Great Sunnah Sacrifice of 

Syedna Ibrahim (as)

The Prophets (peace be upon them) had to undergo trials and tribulations due to their hard work in spreading the religion. Every prophet and messenger had a different style of examination. Hazrat Ibrahim (as) is one of the chosen prophets of Allah (SWT). . Allah Almighty made them His Khalil. Abraham's whole life was one of the great sacrifices for the sake of religion. He succeeded in every test. He (saws) succeeded in every test and trial. Even when King Nimrod set him on fire for expressing the doctrine of Tawheed and breaking the taboo, he remained steadfast in the greatness of the religion and the exaltation of the doctrine of Tawhid. Finally, the blessed command of Allah Almighty was issued: “We commanded the fire, O fire! Be cool and peace be upon Abraham ”(Surat al-Anbiya ', verse 69). The poet of the East, Allama Muhammad Iqbal, has stated this fact in a brilliant manner.

Even today the faith of Abraham was born

Fire can create style flowers

The ordeal was not over when Ishmael and his wife Hajra were ordered to leave their livers in the desert of Faran. This was not a trivial test, it was a test. The center of the desires of old age, the fruit of the prayers of nights and days, the lamp of the heart and eyes of Hazrat Ishmael (peace be upon him) He saw that the patriarchal compassion should not be aroused and the obedience to the command of the Lord should not be compromised. After overcoming these difficult stages, we are now preparing for the third Test, which is much tougher than the first two. Abraham (peace be upon him) dreamed for three consecutive nights that Allah Almighty was saying: O Ibrahim! O, Abraham! So sacrifice your only son in our way. ”“ Abraham (peace be upon him) became the embodiment of obedience and submission to the Lord. He told his dream and the command of Allah Almighty and asked his young son, O my son, I saw in a dream that I was slaughtering you, tell me what is your wish? Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) did not ask his son for his opinion because if he had an opinion, I would do so, otherwise, I would not slaughter my son. no! No! Not at all. On the contrary, Abraham (peace be upon him) asked for an opinion so that the heir of my prophethood would meet this test or not and also find out what is the concept of a son regarding the command of Allah? Look at the obedience of Hazrat Ishmael (PBUH), that son was no ordinary son, he was also the son of Khalilullah Arjumand, and like his father, he was a man of determination, steadfastness, determination, perseverance, submission, and obedience to God. If the father was in the position of Khalilullah, then the son was also going to be crowned with the crown of Zabihullah, because let him come from the cross of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) He was to illuminate this world with eternal light with his Normandin. Therefore, the heir of Prophethood also limited obedience. He bowed his head before his father and did not even ask, "Father, what crime have I committed? What is my fault?" What you are going to hand me over to death, rather sacrifice! The words he uttered with his tongue while bowing his head before his father with great humility became a beacon for the human race until the Day of Judgment. So he said (translation) “He (the son) said: O my father! Fulfill what you have been commanded. God willing! You will soon find me among the patient.

(Al-Safa, verse 102).

It was a blessing or a miracle of the school

Who taught Ishmael manners?

 O, my father! I will not cry and I will not run and I will not forbid you from this work, now you go and do not delay in obeying this order. Inshallah! You will find me patient. " Going forward, Abraham (peace be upon him) laid his son on his forehead, and Ishmael (peace be upon him) placed his neck on the blessed earth in love with God, and the father began to wield the knife. This time they were shocked to see this magnificent scene of obedience to God and submission and pleasure. The knife was about to move, but a call came from Allah, O Ibrahim, you made a dream come true, it was a great ordeal. They succeeded in this and Allah Almighty sent a dumb from Paradise for sacrifice in exchange for Ishmael (as) and thus made this Sunnah of Abraham obligatory on every able-bodied person till the Day of Resurrection. The fact is that this sacrifice of Ishmael by Hazrat Ibrahim (as) in the presence of God was a great and memorable sacrifice that the world is unable to give an example to this day. The eye of the heavens had never seen such a scene of obedience to God. Patience, perseverance, and self-sacrifice were also a surprise that a father who had children in his old age has gone to stab him.

Holy God


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